Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Invisalign Day November 7th, 2013

Invisalign Day November 7th, 2013

It’s finally arrived again! Invisalign Day will be held on November 7th, 2013. Space is very limited. Have you always wanted straighter teeth and that beautiful smile? Call today for a free consultation 541-772-8846!

Thank you!

We celebrated another anniversary for Rene and Heather! That makes 8 years for Rene and 2 years for Heather. Thank you for all of your hard work!!


Linda won our sonicare drawing for the month of December! For the next several months we will be drawing
the name of one of our patients for the same prize! Come in and sign up.

Office Progress 11/10/2010

Office Progress 11/5/2010

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Happy Halloween from Dr Catt and staff

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Dr Catt’s staff enjoyed dressing as dogs! How ironic!!

Office Progress 10/21/2010

New Dental Office Progress

Dr. Catt and Dr. Childreth at initial ground breaking!

It’s All About the Strikes

One of our favorites patients, Lindsey, brought in her most recent bowling trophies to show Dr. Catt and his staff. Congratulations Lindsey!